Agro-Pastoral Interventions in the Kano River Irrigation Project Area in Northern Nigeria

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I Annatte
A E Afolabi
H O Uzegbu
S Abudu


Agro-pastoral intervention studies in Nigeria generally were designed to promote Improved Livestock Production Practices (ILPP) among Agro-Pastoralists through capacity building, input delivery and cooperative development. The Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP) Phases I and II, totaling about 62 000 ha. The main source of water for irrigation in the region is the Tiga Reservoir. The KRIP has beneficial impact on the biodiversity generally. The area, formerly semi-arid and drought prone, is now a region where climatic risk factors have been reduced, living standards has improved and food supply is assured without adverse effects on the biodiversity. Nomadic livestock production systems, as well as effective rangeland utilization procedures were studied, taking into consideration the needs, this include a census of pastoralists. The main objective was to identify herd distribution and ownership structure, herd composition and size, and migration routes. Consequently, grazing routes were noted, defined and demarcated to provide information needs on alternative grazing for pastoralists in years of low rainfall, which might force pastoralists to seek pastures outside declared grazing areas. The main activities, assumptions, achievements and constraints were recorded and recommendations were made on those aspects of the project that will facilitate achievement of the project goal in the subsequent interventions.

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Author Biographies

I Annatte

National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria

A E Afolabi

National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria

H O Uzegbu

National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom, Plateau State Nigeria

S Abudu

National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria