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The study assessed the performance efficiency of the field extension agents on selected Agro Forestry practices in South-South zone, Nigeria. Multi stage random sampling techniques were employed to select 27 block extension supervisors, 324 Cocoa-plantain farmers, 108 mushroom farmers and 108 field extension agents. Primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Out of 18 performance indicators, only two were rated low level of job performance’ efficiency. Thus: organizing awareness on nutrition (2.89) and supervising farmers on storage techniques (2.80). The results showed that the field extension agents had capacity development needs on: knowledge and management of computer programmes (x=2.32), plant breeding (x=2.28) and team building (x=2.99).Multiple regressions showed that coefficient of determination .334 on areas of capacity development related significantly with the performance efficiency of the field extension agents, while the calculated F-value of 4.46 which was greater than the tabulated F-value of 1.75 at .05 alpha level signified that there was no significant difference among each of the areas of capacity development attained by the field extension agents as regards their individual relationship with their job performance efficiency. The study concluded that the job performance efficiency of the field extension agents on selected agro-forestry practices was moderate but highly dependent on the areas of capacity development attained and therefore recommended high motivation of the field extension agents towards their roles.
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